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7 Helpful Tips For Retiring & Living A Happy Life During Retirement

Retiring can be one of the best things to happen in your life. Enjoying the sun, the peace, the calmness in life without having to work again! Ah, life stress free. But, it can also be one of the most confusing, complex things you have to do! But once you get it done, you'll feel so relieved. Some jobs even make it difficult for you to retire, which is why we are making this helpful guide to help you with your retirement.

Here are 7 things you can do to ensure you have a great and healthy retirement.

Tip 1. Decide where you want to retire.

This might sound like a no brainer, but deciding where you want to retire will allow you to realistically set your expectations for how much you'll need to budget for your retirement. Figuring out if you'd like to retire in a city or in the suburbs could be the difference between you retiring now and you retiring in several years from now. Living off the grid, or a bit further from the city could mean less of a barrier to retirement because of the lower expenses.

Tip 2. Speak with a retirement expert.

The retirement process can be a scary one and especially if you are doing it alone or without the help of someone who has been through the process before. Luckily, we have a special offer for you to speak with a retirement expert for free with Retirable.

Retirable is a wonderful company that makes the retirement process super easy and friendly for anyone who is trying to retire. Because the retirement process is long, arduous, and often times confusing, Retirable can help you make that process easy. Signup for Retirable and speak with a retirement expert for free by using this link.

Tip 3. Build Your Savings

When preparing for retirement, the more you have in your savings, the more freedom and flexibility you have when choosing your retirement options. When building your savings, planning with a budget with an app like Mint can help tremendously build your savings account.

Tip 4. Find a Side Hustle To Generate Extra Side Income

In order to retire and increase your monthly income after you have retired, many people opt-in to get a job on the side for extra income. There's nothing wrong with doing some work here and there, and some studies even show that working or continuing on a career path or hobby after retirement can lead to a happier life.

For a list of ideas on what type of side hustles may work for you, feel free to check out our YouTube channel, The Rideshare Hub, where we discuss different ways of earning income.

Tip 5. Don't Be Afraid To Ask For Help

The retirement process can be a little daunting for the average individual, which is why it is important to ask for help if you need it! There are resources out there, and like we said, because of our partnership, you can get a free consultation with a retirement expert with Retirable, and even sign up for a free account with them when you use our link to signup for Retirable!

Tip 6. Find a Hobby

When you go from working full time to all of a sudden not working at all, you may find that you have an incredible amount of free time! This is usually coupled with an immense sense of relief that you no longer have to work, but also, what do you do with all of that free time? You'll want to find a hobby, or two, or three, to fill up all the new space in your life.

Tip 7. Discover Your Goals

Take some time to think about how you want to spend your time and what you want to accomplish. It is never too late to start a new passion project, learn something new, or even try to become an expert in a new field. With the sense of relief and freedom from not having to work, many people find out an entirely new passion during retirement.

We wish you all the best in your retirement journey, and remember, if you need help or want to set up an account with Retirable, you can get started for free using our link here.

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